You have chosen the PRIVACY PACKAGE.
Now choose your company name.
Highest standard of excellence plus great value for your money
On average it takes 3-6 hrs to set up your new company
Our registration process is simple and easy to use
We are authorised by Companies House and HMRC
Our system uses 256-bit highly secure online platform
Just call us and speak with our friendly company registration expert. We will complete your order by phone or guide you step by step.
020 7112 8684Mint Formations Limited, College House, 2nd Floor, 17 King Edwards Road, London, HA4 7AE
Email: [email protected] , Phone: +44 (0) 207 112 8684
Working Hours: Weekdays 9.00 AM - 9.00 PM GMT
Company Reg. No. 10771070 Vat Registration Nr: 269 1733 76
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