How to Start a Dog Walking Company

If you’re passionate about dogs and love the great outdoors, you’ve likely found yourself daydreaming about setting up your own dog walking business at some point or another. Contrary to popular belief, it’s a highly profitable venture and (judging by the increase in pet care market value over the last few years) seemingly recession-proof!

Why Consider a Dog Walking Business?

It’s no secret that Brits are one of the most pet-loving nations. In fact, in 2019 alone, Britain spent almost 7 million pounds on pet-related products . Couple our love of animals with the fact that many of us have to go to work every day, leaving our dogs at home alone, and you have pretty high demand! And when you consider that dog walkers can make 20 per cent higher than the average salary , it’s a pretty great business model!

What Do I Need to Start a Business for Dog Walking?

  • Experience and Qualifications. While there’s no official qualification needed to start a dog walking company, there are a few things that would come in handy — the most important being experience with dogs. Being out and about with potentially multiple dogs calls for confidence and comfort around them. In addition, there are multiple online courses available in canine behaviour and first aid. The more experienced you are, the more trustworthy you will appear to your potential clients.
  • Market Research. To start on the right foot, you need to know your audience AND your competitors. Take your time to research other dog walkers in your area and where there may be gaps. If you can provide a service where there wasn’t one before, then you’re almost certainly onto a winner! However, be sure to also research your audience. Many newer estates are home to young professionals with dogs home alone all day, but there are also other areas to explore. For example, areas that are home to a higher percentage of an older generation can often be a great place to start as they may not be able to walk as far as their dog needs.
  • Startup Costs. There’s some great news here. Dog walking startup costs are some of the lowest there are. Your main costs from the outset will be insurance, registration and marketing. On average it would cost around £300 to get started with your dog walking company.
  • Staying within the Law. As well as the regulations you need to comply with when starting a new business, it’s best to familiarise yourself with some of the laws and regulations surrounding dog walking companies before you get started with your new venture. There are several laws in place relating to dogs:
    • The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991. This law is in place to ensure the safety of the public and states that it is a criminal offence to allow a dog to be ‘dangerously out of control’.
    • The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. Fines of up to £1,000 can be given to anyone seen to be failing to remove dog faeces or not keeping dogs on leads in certain areas.
    • Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953. A dog in your care cannot worry livestock on farmers land. If it does, the farmer has the right to stop it, even if it means shooting it.
    • The Control of Dogs Order 1992. This law states that all dogs must wear a collar with the name and address of the owner written on it or engraved on a tag whenever they are in a public place.
    • Insurances and Registration. From dog fights to property damage, having the right insurances will not only cover you if you find yourself in a sticky situation, but it also shows dog owners that you are taking your responsibilities seriously. Make sure you look into Dog Walkers & Pet Sitters Insurance and Public Liability. Once you’ve checked out the costs of insurance and you’re ready to register your business as either a sole trader, company or partnership, visit for all of the information.

Take a look at the website for the National Association of Petsitters and Dog Walkers to find out more.

How Do I Start Getting Customers for My Dog Walking Business?

Once you’ve registered your company and sorted your insurances, it’s time to start drumming up business! Your earlier market research will come in handy here. If you identified that there is a certain audience in your area that you’d like to target, keep them in mind when you design your logos, leaflets and social media.

If you’re tech-savvy enough or have the money to pay someone to help, create a website for your social media to link to. Customers like to read up on your business, your services and even read testimonials from other dog owners. This will help with your authenticity as a business and create trust.

Think about what makes you stand out from other competitors. When you were looking at other dog walking companies in your area, did you notice anything that you thought you could do better? If so, do that! Find your unique selling point (USP) to attract customers and establish your company culture. If you managed to complete any of the courses mentioned above, include that information on your flyers and social media too. Most will have a badge or logo provided to you upon completion.

When it comes to promoting a dog walking company, as an animal lover you’re in the ideal position to know what your audience is looking for — a caring, compassionate and enthusiastic dog fanatic! So make sure that this all comes across in your marketing and get your name out there!

Are you ready to form your dog walking company? At Mint Formations , we help you form your limited company or self-employed business and take away all the stress that comes with starting a business. We’ll secure your brand name and get your company registered fast so you can start doing what you love.

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